Accolade Community Theatre

Logo and Website

Accolade Community Theatre is a pretty awesome group and they needed just about everything. Ticketing costs for their show were killing them and they needed a lot of help keeping track of all their actors and getting information out to the right people at the right time. I put together their new logo, branding, and website. For the logo they wanted something playful and inviting and I think we found it. If you look closely the "A" in Accolade is taking a bow. Fun, right?

For the site, Accolade wanted to be able to sell their own tickets rather than using expensive ticketing services. I used Jotform and Stripe to create a checkout process that works great for their tickets as well as tuition, t-shirts, donations, and just about anything else they need. The savings they reclaimed on ticketing allowed them to more than cover the cost of the new site in not time.